Mining mechanism

DDOS Block Calculation: Every 400,000 consecutive blocks within the@Aptosblockchain trigger the creation of a DDOS block for $DDOS coin distribution. The fixed Aptos block number chosen at the platform's release generates DDOS Block Genesis (Block 0).

DDOS Block Rewards: Each DDOS Block rewards 10,000,000 $DDOS coins. However, rewards are halved after every 4,000,000@Aptosblocks generated, which equals 10 DDOS blocks.

Reward Calculation: Users can boost their rewards by sending transactions during a DDOS Block N. Subsequently, they register their transaction counters during DDOS Block N + 1 and can claim their rewards starting from DDOS Block N + 2. Below’s how it works

  • DDOS Block 0: User executes transactions for DDOS Block 0.

  • DDOS Block 1: User executes transactions for DDOS Block 1, and registers for DDOS Block 0

  • DDOS Block 2: User executes transactions for DDOS Block 2, registers for DDOS Block 1, and claims rewards for DDOS Block 0.

Last updated